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Subtle | Potent | Shamanic

A Sanctuary of Sacred Medicine

Where we delve into the depths of Soul and Spirit,

Transforming and Transcending ourselves.

Alchemy (noun)
(æl-kə-mē  )

The Magical, Shamanic Art of Consciously Transmuting a Lower Vibrational Energy/State into a Higher Vibrational Energy/State in a Subtle, Mysterious and Profound Way.

Welcome to
The Temple of
A Sanctuary of Sacred Medicine
Where Life Meets Life

Here you will find Presence… Compassion…. Gentleness.


Where they overlap may actually be the most important aspect of the process of transformation… often called Healing. 


Combine this with holding a medicine session as a ceremony and opening to Life arriving with more flow and vitality, and we have a potent container for deep healing to occur.  Through the aperture of presence and compassion we can gently enter into a Sacred Space.


Within this realm, we actualise the potency of Life by weaving in particular energetic medicines to harmonise the energy.  The more subtle the medicine, the more potent.


Medicine is a tool, technique or substance (not all substances are physical) that consciously facilitates a transformation.


There is an art to this, and it is deft and subtle and mysterious.


This is shamanic medicine.  It is deep and sacred and magical.


This is ALKHMY.

persons hand on top of sun_edited_edited.jpg


So gentle it's deep
… enabling sublime and expanded states of consciousness, facilitating an opening between us and the Breath of Life,
the Cosmic Source Energy...
About Sol | Todd 

Who am I?

I walk with a foot in each world; the Mundance and the Mystical. 

In the Medicine Room is where they meet.

This is a profoundly spiritual and shamanic life.  I journey into

the depths of Shadow and Soul and also outwards into

the realms of Light as far as I can manage. 

Sometimes further... Life leads me home.

I specialise in generating and journeying with you into Sacred Space,in creating a ceremonial container for deep transformation,and for being with, navigating and harmonising/resolvingthe discomforts of anger, anxiety, depression, fear, grief, guilt, shame, and especially spiritual and existential troubles.

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